Can’t Take Notes? Let Your Computer Do It For You


Feel Like Taking Notes Is A Chore?

 I Just Can’t Take Good Notes

For several years, using an application called “Soundnote”, I often leave meetings with a full recording of the conversation with cryptic notes attached. I don’t have to take detailed notes because I record the entire conversation during a meeting through my iPad. I can go in later and listen to the recording and retrieve the conversation at the exact point where I typed any word. For instance, I could be halfway through the meeting and type the word “goals” at the point in the meeting that goals were discussed. For instance, if I click on the word on my written notes, the marker for the recording goes to 22:42 minutes in the conversation to hear the actual audio discussion at that point.

This application, when open, looks like a page on a legal tablet. You can type on it, you can free-hand scroll on it with a smart pen, or you could do nothing but record the session. I find that I can concentrate on the conversation and need to only take periodic one or two word notes at critical times to mark the position of critical information that I might want to access later. This app is only one of many which will free you up to do other things and help you be better organized. Unfortunately, “Soundnote” is only available for Apple products. But, you can access an app for android platforms which is a Google app at .

If you want to compare 10 different apps in a single chart for multiple platforms, go to for a very clear and concise summary of some of the better note-taking applications on the market. Some are free, some are available at a nominal charge.

If you want to be a hero during your next meeting, do an audio recording and send it to the Chair or organizer of that meeting as an mp3, shared file on your Google Drive, or download it on a thumb-drive for use later. I can tell you that I have done this many times to the surprise of the person who called the meeting. The better practice would be to tell the attendees that you will be recording the meeting for note-taking purposes. When sensitive maters are being discussed, recording the event may not be appropriate. The recording could also be offered with restricted access through your Google Drive, Drop box or other sharing platform as well.

Good luck and happy note-taking!




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