Solo Lawyer By Design

Everything You Need For Success In Business

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Solo Lawyer – Planning To Retire? Of Course You Aren’t!

The State Bar of Michigan, in the last survey that was completed and published for 2014 with 2013 economic and demographic data should be revealing and shocking for many practitioners. Although this was limited to Michigan members of the Bar Association, it is a harbinger of possible changes in the legal profession for years to […]

Skateboard Law and Branding

You have heard me speak of branding in this blog before. The Little Book Series from the American Bar Association covers specialized areas of practice from multiple titles, including the following from their website; The Little Book of Golf Law, Second Edition The Little Book of Elvis Law The Little Book of Skiing Law The […]

Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak!

I hear all too often that the nature of practice is changing and that we need to adapt to the new realities of practice. I agree and I disagree. Let me explain.For too long, the focus in legal practice is the result as measured by the quantity and quality of documents produced and the time […]


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This site will give you information to help you decide if solo practice is for you.

For New Grads

We will help you develop a plan to succeed in solo practice with the start up resources that will help you get there.

For The Established Solo

This site will help you keep abreast of the latest developments in management, marketing and IT to keep you competitive.

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Throughout this site you will find images associated with the water, fishing, boating; so enjoy.

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