The Privet Hedge And Social Media

A True Story We grew up on the south side of Fort Wayne, Indiana in a neighborhood defined by its low cost new homes or older homes which were occupied by lower middle class families. Our house, did not fit the mold. It had been a convent for the nuns before it was moved one […]

Who Is The Wizard Behind The Curtain?

A True Story The “great and all powerful Wizard” in the Wizard of Oz conditioned his minions to believe that he was “great” and “all powerful” through the use of devices which were misunderstood and in their awesome manifestations resulted in awe that was undeserved. As a child, many times I was presented with circumstances […]

Uber Into Solo Practice?

Uber Into Law? A True Story This past April, and again this August, I found myself in Chicago in need of transportation. I down-loaded the Uber app and quickly found myself using Uber to move about the city seamlessly. In the even you have not used Uber, unlike conventional taxis which you can flag down […]

Web Preserver – Web Page As Admissible Evidence This text below found at this website explains what Web Preserver is about: Are you wondering how you can identify, collect and present Website & Facebook data in a legally admissible and authenticated manner? It’s extremely easy to delete or falsify online data if there isn’t a consistent, provable trustworthy record. You don’t want […]