“Victims Of Our Success”

If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better be changed in ourselves.  -Carl Jung What follows are gross generalizations, but all too often this undercurrent plays itself out to the detriment of certain individuals. I have heard […]

Notes From Afar. . . Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak

One of my former students, with only six months of practice already knows the secret to success and explores it below. I have now been in solo practice for just a little over 6 months and thought it might be a good time to reflect and look back on what has happened with my practice. […]

Trust But Verify. . . .

Every day, there are lawyers who find themselves in trouble due to theft or embezzlement by a trusted employee who they felt could be trusted with the keys to their vault. But not so. . . . Years ago, as a sales rep who was responsible for a five state area of farm tractor dealers, many […]

Clients Lie!

No, the client didn’t lie, you just never let her tell the truth. Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact. – George Eliot If you want good advice, this is it. Speak less, listen more. . . . One technique I use to train […]