Solo Lawyer By Design

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Avoid The Cinnamon Rolls!

Clients are free to make bad decisions, even though we counsel them to do otherwise. But the lingering aftermath and bad taste that it leaves as a result of their choice to ignore good advice, often goes down hard for them or others affected by those bad decisions. When I was in the second grade […]

Fire Your Worst Clients

A True Story For the six years prior to entering law school as a Regional Sales Manager for a Japanese company and traveling 3 to 5 states, it wasn’t uncommon for me to travel over 100,000 miles a year. During that time, cell phones were many years down the road. Back then, it was necessary […]

Perception Follows Price

There is hardly anything in the world that some man can’t make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man’s lawful prey. – John Ruskin How much should I charge for my services? This question is posed to me on a regular basis as students […]

The Privet Hedge And Social Media

A True Story We grew up on the south side of Fort Wayne, Indiana in a neighborhood defined by its low cost new homes or older homes which were occupied by lower middle class families. Our house, did not fit the mold. It had been a convent for the nuns before it was moved one […]


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